Medha R. - ACT Math Tutor

UC Santa Cruz Medha R. Tutors UC Santa Cruz Students in Santa Cruz, CA
$70 / hr
Saratoga, CA
70 miles Travel Radius
Hi! I'm Medha, an undergraduate currently at Caltech. I have over 3 years in mathematics, physics, and chemistry tutoring experience to kids of many ages: age 6 to age 17. I have taught in a classroom setting but I specialize on one-to-one tutoring. I graduated high school with As in Chemistry Honors, Biology, AP Physics 1, AP Physics 2, Precalculus Honors, AP Calculus BC, and Multivariable Calculus. I scored a 5 on my AP Calculus BC test with a 5 on the subsection for AP Calculus AB. I scored ...
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