Math and Logic Online Courses for Students

Found 62 listings, displaying 1-20
This course is part of Global Freshman Academy (GFA), which means you can earn transferable ASU credit toward your college degree. In this college level Algebra course, you will learn to apply algebraic reasoning to solve problems effectively. You’ll develop skills in linear and quadratic f...
Systems of equations live at the heart of linear algebra. In this course you will explore fundamental concepts by exploring definitions and theorems that give a basis for this subject. At the start of this course we introduce systems of linear equations and a systematic method for solving them...
All models are (systems of) ordinary differential equations. In this course you will learn more about those by watching video lectures and reading short texts, and more importantly, by completing well-crafted hands-on exercises in which you can practice modeling yourself! You will also learn how...
Mathematics 1 Part 1 is the first of two self-paced courses from LSE which aim to introduce and develop your understanding of essential mathematical concepts, methods and techniques. This course can be taken alone or as part of the LSE MicroBachelors program in Mathematics and Statistics...
Este curso está concebido como una preparación mínima necesaria para los primeros cursos de ingeniería y otros estudios en los que se imparten matemáticas. En él trabajaremos: El concepto de conjunto y sus operaciones La notación matemática elemental Los diferentes tipos de números: naturale...
This exam assesses all concepts, methods and techniques introduced across the four courses within the LSE MicroBachelors program in Mathematics and Statistics Fundamentals: Mathematics 1: Differential calculus Mathematics 1: Integral calculus, algebra, and applications Statistics 1: Introductory...
Your ability to apply the concepts that we introduced in our previous course is enhanced when you can perform algebraic operations with matrices. At the start of this class, you will see how we can apply the Invertible Matrix Theorem to describe how a square matrix might be used to solve linear...
Las ecuaciones diferenciales son parte fundamental del estudio tanto de la matemática como de la ingeniería y la ciencia en general. Muchas leyes y fenómenos físicos pueden ser descritos mediante ellas. En otras palabras, el estudio de estos fenómenos requiere de la creación de un modelo matem...
Basics of Statistical Inference and Modelling Using R is part one of the Statistical Analysis in R professional certificate. This course is directed at people with limited statistical background and no practical experience, who have to do data analysis, as well as those who are “out of p...
En este curso de matemáticas se desarrollaran aspectos básicos relacionados con la resolución numérica de problemas de valor inicial asociados a ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias, tanto desde un punto de vista teórico como práctico, haciendo uso del programa Octave para resolver distintos ejerc...
La Probabilidad es la rama de las matemáticas que estudia la incertidumbre. Entre otras cosas, busca desarrollar herramientas matemáticas que ayuden al ser humano a analizar y a tomar decisiones frente a situaciones inciertas. De igual manera, la estadística es una disciplina que utiliza te...
En este curso de 4 módulos, desarrollarás competencias básicas para el cálculo identificando elementos de diferentes sistemas numéricos, obtendrás habilidades en el manejo de las operaciones básicas, el manejo de signos y resolviendo problemas que involucran la solución de ecuaciones de primer...
Mathematics 1 Part 2 is the second of two self-paced courses from LSE which aim to introduce and develop and understanding of essential mathematical concepts, methods and techniques. This course can be taken alone or as part of the LSE MicroBachelors program in Mathematics and Statistics...
A wondrously romantic belief is that brilliant thinkers magically produce brilliant ideas: Einstein jostles his hair and relativity falls out. We can enjoy these fanciful visions of leaps of genius, but we should not be fooled into believing that they’re reality. Brilliant innovators are b...
Vous voulez apprendre l'algèbre linéaire, un précieux outil complémentaire à vos connaissances acquises durant vos études en économie, ingénierie, physique, ou statistique? Ou simplement pour la beauté de la matière? Alors ce cours est fait pour vous! Outre remplir le rôle d'outil dans les différ...
Ce cours donne les connaissances fondamentales liées aux fonctions trigonométriques, logarithmiques et exponentielles. Il est articulé autour de 9 chapitres: L'angle et sa mesure Les fonctions trigonométriques sinus et cosinus et leurs inverses Les fonctions trigonométriques tangente et cote...
Vous voulez apprendre l'algèbre linéaire, un précieux outil complémentaire à vos connaissances acquises durant vos études en économie, ingénierie, physique, ou statistique? Ou simplement pour la beauté de la matière? Alors ce cours est fait pour vous! Outre remplir le rôle d'outil dans les différ...
Vous voulez apprendre l'algèbre linéaire, un précieux outil complémentaire à vos connaissances acquises durant vos études en économie, ingénierie, physique, ou statistique? Ou simplement pour la beauté de la matière? Alors ce cours est fait pour vous! Outre remplir le rôle d'outil dans les différ...
Mathematics has been playing an important role in data analysis from the very beginning; for example, Fourier analysis is one of the main tools in the analysis of image and signal data. This course is to introduce some mathematical methods for data analysis. It will cover mathematical...
This course by Imperial College London is designed to help you develop the skills you need to succeed in your A-level maths exams. The course is most appropriate to the Edexcel, AQA, OCR and OCR(MEI) papers. You will investigate key topic areas to gain a deeper understanding of the skills and...

Math and Logic Online Courses for UC Santa Cruz Students

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