Education Online Courses for Students

Found 76 listings, displaying 1-20
VideoX is an introduction to the video creation process for This course is part of the edX Course Creator XSeries and should be taken after completing StudioX. After completing this course, you will be able to: identify best practices for video production and implement them in your edX...
This capstone course will feature knowledge, disposition, and performance assessments that examine growth along dimensions critical to the effective leadership of educational innovation and improvement. Learners will apply knowledge and principles of ambitious instruction, logics of innovation,...
En este curso se abordan los principios del diseño instruccional en línea. A través de 4 módulos se examinan las características fundamentales del diseño de contenido, de la instrucción y web, como elementos básicos para la integración de un guion tecno-pedagógico. Además, se analizan los princi...
This course is designed to be a training that familiarizes any faculty or staff member at a college or university with military and veteran culture as well as veteran-specific considerations in the areas of admissions, finances, academic and student life, and health and well-being. Our hope is...
The introduction to online education and course planning course is critical to offering and teaching a successful online course or program. Having a solid understanding of online education and learning styles including key principles and teaching strategies of online education and important...
In this course, learners will join the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian to explore the impact of problematic narratives of Native Americans on U.S. society and education and learn ways to recognize and share more complete narratives both inside and outside the classroom. In a...
¡Si te interesa la educación escolar como espacio para contribuir a una sociedad más justa e inclusiva, este curso es para ti! Sobre todo, si crees que es necesario revertir los procesos de segregación, marginación y fracaso escolar que afectan a tantos alumnos y alumnas en la actualidad. Este...
In today’s interconnected world, online education has exploded with engaging learning experiences infused with interactive digital tools, digital media, and collaborative projects designed to engage dispersed learners. These highly engaging and effective courses are not created by chance - they a...
How can we ensure that we don’t fail the next generation of children? What investments do we need to make an impact? What implementation decisions do we need to make for program success? An estimated 250 million children in low- and middle-income countries risk not meeting their development p...
What kind of leader are you? Are you equipped to transform your learning organisation into the place you know it can be? In this course, we investigate leadership styles, best practices and philosophies that challenge you to develop your leadership capacity. You will be guided in evaluating your...
The course offers an innovative, ground-breaking approach to cultivating a caring, benevolent environment in your personal and professional life and in educational settings. You’ll acquire simple, practical tools for creating such an environment, based on current, up-to-date research. No prior k...
Imagine you want to design the following educational scenario. First, your students solve a problem individual. Next, you form pairs of students who obtained different solutions and ask them to choose the best of their two solutions. Finally, you display the produced solutions and compare them in...
This course aims to help you be successful in your college studies, highlighting effective and practical strategies for study. These strategies, from note taking to active reading, from time management to understanding how you learn, will help you achieve your academic goals, and to allow you to...
La pedagogia è una disciplina scientifica che studia l'educazione e i processi di insegnamento e di apprendimento. In questo corso si ripercorrono i modelli della formazione tradizionali e attuali sino alle più avanzate teorie sperimentali. Il corso promuove conoscenze teoriche di base legate a...
Dove si apprende? E come si apprende? Quali sono i luoghi maggiormente preposti per l'apprendimento? Questo corso affronterà queste tematiche rivolgendosi a psicologi, pedagogisti, formatori, insegnanti e a sviluppatori di programmi informatici impegnati nel settore dell'educazione. Verrai...
This interactive course will introduce you to coaching skills for learner-centred conversations. As well as learning about and practicing these skills, you will have the opportunity to reflect on how you can use and integrate these skills into your own educational contexts. The modules will...
Studio Advanced is a course for experienced course designers in edX Studio - people who have already built at least one online class on the edX platform. If you're more of an edX beginner, you might want to take StudioX first. This course has been designed to enable you to dip in and out of...
In this course, we will introduce you to edX Studio, edX’s course-authoring tool. This course is ideal for course authors and course teams interested in uncovering the nuts and bolts of building an edX course. We will cover everything you need to know to successfully create your first course on t...
Educational technology is developing rapidly, and that development has presented educators with an opportunity to rethink and improve their pedagogical practices. The concept of blended learning provides a framework to help educators integrate online educational technologies into face-to-face...
Negli ultimi anni le tecnologie digitali sono state promosse come competenze necessarie per tutti i cittadini. Il mondo della formazione si è concentrato molto su concetti come il pensiero computazionale, il pensiero algoritmico, la robotica. Il coding è un'attività che sottende tutti questi as...

Education Online Courses for UC Santa Cruz Students

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